Marriage Enrichment

The Marriage Enrichment Program (MEP) was initiated to educate couples and promote marriage enrichment whether just starting out or married for years. Through sound biblical teaching and resources, couples gain experience in formulating Godly Christian marriages that in turn help strengthen the community. Individuals that are considering marriage come to the seminars to gain prospective of what Godly marriages are suppose to look like, rather than what they have heard or seen.
Contact: Mr. Jeffery and Mrs. Nellie Smith

Newsletter Committee

The Abundance” Newsletter is a way that we as a church can stay updated on events of the month, also a way that members can share their praise reports, prayer request, recipes, jokes, poems, or even some thoughts of wisdom. The newsletter is also a way that we show the affects that Abundant Life Outreach Ministries has made on us as we continuously grow spiritually and naturally.
Contact: Mrs. Pearl Richardson

F.A.I.T.H - (Feeding All Individuals Through Hope)

A nonprofit organization. The purpose of this organization is to feed the homeless. FAITH helps to assist the homeless by looking at the hunger needs that our families face on a daily basis by looking at this issue through their eyes who have little hope and faith. The vision of this organization is to expand the love of Christ and the Kingdom of God by allowing those among us who are less fortunate and give them hope that their lives can be changed through believing by faith.
Contact: Mrs. Sharon Boone

S.O.A.R. - (Steps Of Abundant Righteousness)

SOAR is a group of young adults and adults that go out and minister to everyone. We strive to bring everyone to Christ through dance, mime, plays, hip-hop, song, etc. Although we have a mixture of ages in the group, the Father uses all of us in extreme ways to minister to the people. SOAR will be doing some major things in the near future that will really show what the Father has placed in us.
Contact: Ms. Celestine Quatebaum

Men's Ministry

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Purpose: To help men walk in the fullness of God’s divine order, inherent with being created male in the earth.
Our Mission: To live daily as ambassadors of christ, reflecting His character in every aspect of our lives, while advancing in step with the Word.
Our Goals:
Model the evidence of a separated and liberated life, manifested by the Holy Spirit;
Develop relationships with other men that are pleasing to our heavenly father;
Create an awareness in men of their spiritual significance to the body of christ; and.
Walk in wisdom, having an answer for every man through the “seeding” of the transformational Word of God.
Our Objective: Impact the world by enlarging each man’s relationship with God through awareness and application of His will for men.
Contact: Mr. Don Samuel
Manifested Glory

Manifested Glory is the Praise and Worship Dance Ministry (a Ministry of Helps). Its primary goals are to praise and worship our heavenly father , usher in the manifested presence of him, minister to and usher the congregation into praise and worship, which will help usher in the manifested presence of our God who brings, healing, deliverance and salvation to the people, rendering spiritual warfare, celebration of the Feast of our father (Leviticus 23) Passover, Pentecost and The Day of Atonement/Feast of Tabernacles and assisting other ministries and ministries of helps with their missions in and outside of the state of South Carolina, televised and untelevised.
Manifested Glory (MG) is not restricted to a specific age group, but consists of individuals of all ages, male and female.
Contact: Dr. Gail D. Washington

Evangelistic Team

We are group of believers filled with the Holy Spirit that are called to Active Duty to bring those that are in darkness to light, having the saving knowledge of christ. The great commission our heavenly father gave us to go into the entire world and he would make us fishers of men. As we give the lost the word, they are hooked and are snatched out of satan’s kingdom into the heavenly kingdom of God into eternal life.
We as new creatures have the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance feed to others these fruits by our life living so other can be partakers. By this we are coworkers with Christ that others may have the promise of John 10:10. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Contact: Mr. Booker T and Mrs. Lula Davis

Seasoned Saints

Is to walk with the Father, keep our bodies spiritual, emotions and physical healthy. And that we live a happy healthy live.
Contact: Mrs. Rosa Scott

Glory Youth Church

Glory Youth Church” children’s Ministry was founded in 2005 at Abundant Life Outreach Ministries, Inc. Glory Youth Church is to cultivate the mind, body and soul of our children through bible scriptures, songs, dance, etc.
Our base Scripture is Matthew 6:9-15 and our confession is “The Believer’s Pledge”. As we grow in youth church, the curriculum will also grow. Our heavenly father wants us to be well versed in every area of our calling. Glory Youth Church Curriculum will take our children and teachers back to the basics, which will cause us to move forward in our calling. This will prepare us for the MASSES, which are coming.
Contact: Mrs. Dianne Joel-Director or Mrs. Dorthea Samuel-Assistant Director

Intercession Ministry

I Timothy 2:1-4, 8
Stand in the gap for others; going-between; getting the spiritual way prepared for purpose and plan that they be not hindered.
1 I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, he made for all men; 2 for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty; 3 for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; 4 who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 8 I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up Holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
Contact: Mrs. Edith Glover

Hospitality & Social Committee

Hospitality is the key mission of our committee. Being an instrument of Love and Excellence is our goal to the church family as well as strangers. We demonstrate our kindness and generosity through various acts of benevolences by purposely greeting visitors with the love of Christ, also ministering to those of our church families experiencing hospitalization, illness, death of their immediate family member etc. We extend generosity whenever and wherever, it’s needed. Also this committee is responsible for coordinating the Church Anniversary and Annual Staff Retreat in coordination with the leading of the Pastors. This committee also coordinates events that involve the church as well as the community. We enjoy reaching out and planning fun and educational events, as it glorifies our heavenly father.
Contact: Mrs. Sharon Peterson
1619 Middleton St. Cayce, SC 29033
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